Southland Branch members who gained First Place in National Competitions and Awards.
2023 Trevor McMaster
Orbell Trophy. (Best of all Species)
Mel Larritt Trophy (Red Deer)
Douglas score 370 1/8
2023 Paige Hodge
Best Game trophy by member under 19 years.
Best Game trophy by a woman member.
Fallow buck Douglas Score 228 1/8
2022 Erin Garrick
Best game trophy by woman member.
Chamois Douglas score 28 1/2
2022 Thomas Hopkirk
Putaruru Trophy
Undrawn pig tusks Score 17 3/4
2018 John DeLury
Manawatu Trophy
Whitetail buck Douglas Score 103 3/4
2010 Roy Sloan
Harvey Morrow Award, NZDA Research
2009 John DeLury
Harvey Morrow Award, NZDA Research
009 Roy Sloan
Monarch of the Glen
Member who goes above and beyond
2006 Euan Butters
Athol Hood Trophy Game Animals Photograph
Wildlife Cover photo
"Looking Back
2005 Euan Butters
Best Photograph - Birds
"Wily Weka"
2004 Roy Sloan
Severinson Trophy
Wapiti, Douglas score 360 1/8
1999 Jolie McLeod
Best trophy by a woman member
Chamois Douglas score 24 3/4
1996 Southland Branch
Rotorua Branch Trophy
Best Newsletter.
1993 Marcus Pinney
Best antlered trophy by a Junior
Fallow buck Douglas score 206 5/8
1989 Doug Andrews
Best game trophy by JUnior member under 19 years
Chamois Douglas score 28
1985 John DeLury
Literary Competition Section 'A"
"North Lords 1983"
1983 John DeLury
Manawatu trophy
Whitetail Douglas score 122 3/4
1982 Anselm Haanen
McConachie Sheild
Chamois Douglas score 27
1980 Andrew Overton
Mel Larritt Trophy
Red stag Douglas score 298 5/8
1967 E Spriggs
Mel Larritt Trophy
Red Deer Douglas score 324 3/4
1962 Alan Harrison
Severinson Trophy
Wapiti Douglas score 353 3/4
1951 Jack McKenzie
Orbell Trophy (Best of all species)
Red/Wapiti hybrid Douglas score 430
New Zealand Deerstalkers Association Southland Branch
Join the club promoting the interests of hunters!
New Zealand Deerstalkers Association began in Invercargill in 1937.
Today, Southland Branch is one of over 50 Branches and more than 10,000 members.
NZDA Objectives are :
- to promote recreational hunting and game management,
- to promote training and safe use of firearms in our backcountry,
- to protect the rights and privileges of access and firearms ownership,
- and to promote the conservation and sound management of our introduced wild animals as well as our native flora and fauna.
What Southland Branch offers:-
- Regular monthly meetings with guest speakers. Monthly newsletter.
- Hunts Instruction courses in safe firearm handling, bushcraft, rivercrossing, first aid and hunting techniques.
- A range of organised trips for different fitness levels.
- $5 Million Public liability insurance including $1m rural fire protection.
- Conditional access to South Wood Export exotic forests.
- Access to Branch huts at Hauroko, Mavora and our Lodge at TeAnau.
- Representation to local and national government and Department of Conservation on hunting matters.
- Discount on Dept of Conservation Annual Hut Pass.
- Quarterly NZ Hunting & Wildlife magazine.
- Our own Clubrooms at Longbush.
- Annual trophy and photographic competitions Competition Rules
- Olympic standard indoor air rifle range with moving target.
Why Join Southland Branch NZ Deerstalkers Association?
- Meet new people with similar interests
- Learn about hunting areas and access
- Club trips are often cheaper than doing it alone.
- Club trips are certainly safer than doing it alone.
MEETINGS ARE AT CLUBROOMS, LONGBUSH HALL, McKerchar Road every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 8pm
Useful Links:
South Coast Productions
Heritage and Wilderness Adventure Films
"We are worried that a lot of our old film is disappearing as are the tales, and tellers of them from yester year, so we are keen to record some of these tales with one story leading to another. We try to capture some of the great stories of our time, the heritage which has helped to create the iconic kiwi." - Producer Dave McCarlie.
Southland Branch NZDA support South Coast Productions in their quest to capture New Zealand outdoors on film. Visit their website:
Department of Conservation Hunting Information SOUTHLAND
New Zealand Deerstalkers Association National Office.
Animal Skin Tanning Services Ltd.
Our hall is on McKerchar Road at Longbush between Woodlands & Kennington (East of Invercargill on S.H 1)
We have our meetings at 8p.m. every 3rd Wednesday of the month.( No meetings December & January)
Feel free to come along.
News & Newsletters
Latest Newsletters
Photo: Luke Payne. 1st 2024 photo competition. "Other Wildlife"
Southern Branches Newsletter from 1962. - read from bottom up.
July - September (no newsletter)
November 2010
October 2010
September 2010
August 2010
July 2010
June 2010
May 2010
April 2010
March 2010
February 2010
GPS instructions (update) from Feb newsletter. - also note that for eTrex legend False N needs to be set to 9999999.9
- November 2009
- October 2009
- September 2009(large)
- August 2009
- July 2009 - newspaper articles (if you can't read them)
- June 2009
- May 2009
- April 2009
- March 2009
- February 2009
- November 2008
- October 2008
- September 2008
- August 2008
- July 2008
- June 2008
- May 2008
- April 2008
- March 2008
- February 2008