Conservation Projects carried out by the Southland Branch



 Since 2006 Southland Branch members plus a team from South Otago ( Balclutha ) and Blue Mountains have contaced a rat control program at Mason Bay.  309  rat traps are checked 12 times between August and December each year.  The aim of the project is basically to give the birds the best chance of nesting and fledging without getting eaten by rats. As a side issue wild cats are also tarrgeted.



Rat eradication control, Masons Bay - Stewart Island 2013

 Rat Control Report Mason Bay 2014 

Rat eradication control, Masons Bay - Stewart Island 2015

Rat Eradication control Mason Bay Stewart Island 2016 & 20117

Rat Eradication-control Mason Bay 2018

2019 Rat Control Report Mason Bay

2020 Rat Control Report Mason Bay 

2021 Rat Control Report Mason Bay

2022 Rat Control Report Mason Bay

2023 Rat Control Report Mason Bay




For six years between 2011 - 2016 Southland Branch members made six trips to Mason Bay in an effort to keep gorse under control. Time and costs were met by the individuals but when no support was forthcoming they stopped putting their hand in their own pocket.


Gorse Control Project - Stewart Island 2013


Gorse Control Project - Stewart Island 2015

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