New Zealand Deerstalkers Association Southland Branch
Join the club promoting the interests of hunters!
New Zealand Deerstalkers Association began in Invercargill in 1937.
Today, Southland Branch is one of over 50 Branches and more than 10,000 members.
NZDA Objectives are :
- to promote recreational hunting and game management,
- to promote training and safe use of firearms in our backcountry,
- to protect the rights and privileges of access and firearms ownership,
- and to promote the conservation and sound management of our introduced wild animals as well as our native flora and fauna.
What Southland Branch offers:-
- Regular monthly meetings with guest speakers. Monthly newsletter.
- Hunts Instruction courses in safe firearm handling, bushcraft, rivercrossing, first aid and hunting techniques.
- A range of organised trips for different fitness levels.
- $5 Million Public liability insurance including $1m rural fire protection.
- Conditional access to South Wood Export exotic forests.
- Access to Branch huts at Hauroko, Mavora and our Lodge at TeAnau.
- Representation to local and national government and Department of Conservation on hunting matters.
- Discount on Dept of Conservation Annual Hut Pass.
- Quarterly NZ Hunting & Wildlife magazine.
- Our own Clubrooms at Longbush.
- Annual trophy and photographic competitions Competition Rules
- Olympic standard indoor air rifle range with moving target.
Why Join Southland Branch NZ Deerstalkers Association?
- Meet new people with similar interests
- Learn about hunting areas and access
- Club trips are often cheaper than doing it alone.
- Club trips are certainly safer than doing it alone.
MEETINGS ARE AT CLUBROOMS, LONGBUSH HALL, McKerchar Road every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 8pm